Ukiyo-e in English

Ukiyo-e in English: Ukiyo-e of the week

tisdag 7 februari 2017

Utagawa Yoshitsuya (1822-1866)

Utagawa Yoshitsuya (1822-1866) var elev till Kuniyoshi. Han är framför allt känd för sina musha-e,men skapade även en hel del annat.

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - Tiger on a flowering tree at a waterfall - 1865

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - A Chûshingura Girl (Mitate chûgi musume) - 1847-1852

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - Ichimura Uzaemon as the Candy Peddler Uzumatsu

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - One of the Daughters of a Millionaire - 1856

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - 54 scenes from the Hisago war stories: Front page - 1864

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - High Ranking Courtesans Attended - 1864

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - Battles at Castle 
from Fifty-four Battle Stories of Hisago - 1891

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yohsitsuya- Equestrian Events at the Fujinomori Shrine (Fujinomori hashiriuma)
from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tôkaidô Road - 1863

Ukiyo-e. Yoshitsuya.
Yoshitsuya - Death of Inakawa Ujimoto at Okehazama Battle  - 1864